Sunday, November 9, 2008


Although it hasn't been up to par with some of the gorgeous Indiana autumns I've seen, this has been by far the best year for leaves in Tennessee since I've lived here. Friday was dreary, but it made the colors seem so intense. I actually pulled off to the side of the road to take this shot (in the rain). I know people thought I was nuts, but I guess it's a sign you have photographer in your blood when you just don't care what people think!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Fall Photos

It's been too long... I'd forgotten how much I love to be behind the lens of a camera. I'm experimenting with vignettes, in case you couldn't tell. :) I think I like the finished look it gives, although I really don't want it to look overdone. Opinions are welcome!

The focus isn't perfect, but I had used my zoom lens instead of the portrait lens so I wouldn't have to manually focus, and in the waning light, it wasn't focusing on exactly what I wanted it to every time. Still, I'm happy with the results. I just wish I had a more cooperative subject! LOL